Alumni Spotlight: Paula Ramos (Gwin)


Basic Training

After high school, Paula went into the Army where she was a military analyst.

What has Paula been up to since graduation? Well, it turns out, quite a lot! The Army, a big family, children’s books and the best lunch at MASH. She gets into all of it right here.

Get to know Paula again.

MASH: Name some of the the places where you have lived.

Paula: Fort Jackson, South Carolina; Fort Huachuca, Arizona; Fort Gordon, Georgia; Fort Hood, Texas, Killeen, Texas and now Copperas Cove, Texas.

Would you like to share a bit about your family? Kids, fur babies, significant other, etc. What do they do that makes you proud?

I am married to my second husband Luis Ramos (16 years in March). We have five kids, who are his, mine and ours. Luis Jr. (step son, 20) is a combat engineer in the Marines. Rebecca (daughter, 20) is studying criminal justice with a minor in biochemistry. She wants to be a crime scene investigator. Brittany (daughter, 17) will start college in the fall, studying photo journalism. Wendell (step son, 16) wants to join the Army when he gets out of school. Cristian (son, 14) wants to be either a choir teacher or a math teacher.

We have two dogs, a rescue Doberman named Creed and a Miniature Pinscher named Rocky (yes, my husband has a thing for Rocky Balboa).

Paula with her husband, Luis

Paula with her husband, Luis

Did you go to college? Where did you go? What did you study?

I went to Central Texas Community College for my first degree in computer aided drafting and design. I am currently working on my second degree at Central Texas College, but I am transferring to Texas A&M to be a history teacher. The degree will be for reading, general studies and history for 4th - 8th graders.

What have you been up to since graduation/the last reunion?

After high school, I went into the Army. I was a military analyst when I was in active duty and later I was military police when I was in the Reserves. I have worked quite a few jobs since then as a jailer, security at Fort Hood, inventory specialist, communications officer at our local police department, supervisor/trainer at a call center and a graphics account manager doing architectural graphics.

Share a fun fact about yourself. Maybe something we wouldn’t know about you.

I have illustrated three children’s books as a freelance artist. I am unsure if any of them are published.

When you have some spare time, what is your favorite thing to do?

Spare time, what is that? I read books and sew.

What is your fondest memory of Meadville and/or high school?

Singing with the choir.

What was your favorite class? Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

My favorite class was art.

School lunch - Did you pack or buy? If you bought lunch, what was your favorite menu item?

I bought my lunch. My favorite meal was fiestada.

If you could pick anything, what would you do when you retire? 

Travel and paint

Give us your top three songs from high school.

  1. Change the World – Eric Clapton

  2. Don’t Speak – No Doubt

  3. Ironic – Alanis Morissette

The MASH Class of 96 Alumni Spotlight is a regular series, featuring classmates and The great things they’ve been up to over the years. This is a chance for us to get to know each other again and it’s a way for us to celebrate how far we have come. Interested in participating? Email us!